Troy Baker: The Last of Us Part II Is “The Most Ambitious Game” of Naughty Dog
It’s been more than a year since we learned something about the highly anticipated title, The Last Of Us Part II, but during a talk at the Manchester Comic-Con, Troy Baker, who played Joel as a voice actor in the first part, gave us more details about this great production.
The voice actor Troy Baker (Joel) at Manchester Comic-Con said that “I can tell you this: it’s hands down the most ambitious game that Naughty Dog has ever done for sure. It’s far larger than I thought was going to be possible.” Considering what games the studio has already released, that’s an impressive statement that will hopefully be true.
Obviously what we all want to know is when we can play it, and Baker was also questioned about it. Remember that interview where Ashley Johnson, an actress who brings Ellie to life, almost reveals the release date? Well, Baker commented on the following:
“It’ll be out 31st February, that’s what [Johnson] said – people just took it out of context,” Baker said. “Wow, I’m sure she got a call from Sony saying, ‘Shut up!’ She’s like, ‘Guys, it’s a f*cking joke!’”
He added that he also doesn’t know the release date:
“I think they’ve probably been smart not to tell us because we can’t slip up and say something stupid. Last time we announced, we slipped. And they don’t want to do that again. We are still cranking on it, I can tell you that much. Where it’s at in development, I have no idea. Everybody feels like it’s broken until it’s shipping, and then when it’s shipping they’re like, ‘We shipped a broken game!’ And that’s the gig of making a game.”
The Last of Us Part II will release at some point in 2020 exclusively for Playstation 4 and PS4 Pro.