Report: PSN Name Changes Coming Soon, According to Game Developers
For a long time, one of the most requested options by the players of the PSN is to be able to change their name. This, since there are many who wish to modify the ridiculous name they chose years ago without losing their trophies and purchases. Fortunately, it seems that this option is finally in development.
According to a recent report by Kotaku, 3 people from different development studios who remain anonymous say that Sony is working on PSN Name Changes. In fact, they point out that they have been “fixing bugs, tweaking settings, and ensuring that their games are compatible with Sony’s plans.”
That’s not all, as a fourth source indicated that he received internal documentation of Sony. Apparently, it contains instructions to change the username of the PlayStation Network. At the moment, no source mentions a tentative release date.
It is important to note that Sony has not made any comment about it. So, although the rumor comes from a good source, we recommend that you do not take it as official. We will be aware and we will inform you when we know more about it.
Interestingly, this is not the first time that this possibility is discussed. In fact, last year Shawn Layden, head of PlayStation, hinted that the option could be close. On the other hand, there were also rumors that indicated that Sony had conducted a survey about it.
Thinking that Sony is working on this option is not entirely unreasonable, especially when we consider that recently it has done things that seemed impossible. Among them is the arrival of crossplay with other consoles and the ability to download PlayStation Now games.