No Man’s Sky: NMS Tracker To Keep Track of Space Exploration
A few days before the official debut of No Man’s Sky, the anxiety caused by the vastness of the game world created for the space simulator begins to be felt to the point that a user has decided to create a special tool to keep a track of discoveries. And it is a fan who has built a social platform in which players can get in touch and mainly register all worlds that are discovered by them in the vast space game on the website of NMS Tracker.
With NMS Tracker web app, once the title of Hello Games is available, users can fill out a detailed diary of the edge of adventure, reporting and sharing with colleagues the various discoveries made in the virtual space and not forgetting to add a comment related to principal aspects of what was found (you can for example recommend to land on a planet only after reaching a certain offensive degree with your own equipment).
You can also follow up to 50 players and view their latest discoveries right inside your Tracker dashboard page. Youtubers also have the opportunity to link their experiences of the planet directly to their account.
NMS Tracker is in beta phase and promises that more features will be added soon. And its use will be as easy as signing in a few steps and thus players can start using its features.
No Man’s Sky will debut at August 10 on Playstation 4 and August 12 on PC. What do you think of this tool dedicated to No Man’s Sky? Do tell us in the comments section below.