Hinomaruko for Nintendo Switch & PS4 Announced by Pikii and Tamsoft
The developer Tamsoft and publisher Pikii recently announced in the Tokyo Game Show 2019 an action game called Hinomaruko. The title will release on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Hinomaruko is a full-fledged action game set in a military world setting where a girl faces against giant mechs. You can visit the official website of the game here, where more details will be revealed soon.
According to a Tweet on the game’s official Twitter account, a teaser trailer was available for the public at the Pikii booth at Tokyo Game Show 2019.
This year, most of the new game announcements are centered for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch consoles at the Tokyo Game Show.
新作タイトル「日之丸子」を #TGS2019 で初出し!#Pikii ブース でティザートレイラーを公開!
トレーラーを閲覧された方にはノベルティも配布します! pic.twitter.com/fcU45DnMNu— 日之丸子 (@Hinomaruko_jp) September 12, 2019
Pikii様 @PikiiGK よりアナウンスがありました新規タイトル「日之丸子」の開発を担当しております!
ミリタリーな世界観を舞台に少女が巨大メカへ立ち向かう本格アクションタイトルです! pic.twitter.com/QDzFg7WZhn— TAMSOFT CORPORATION (@tamsoft_corp) September 12, 2019