Developers Defend Enchanted Portals Against Accusations of Plagiarism
Yesterday we talked about Enchanted Portals, a title by the Spanish development company Xixo Games Studio. According to its creators, the title is inspired and is a kind of tribute to Cuphead, the popular game of StudioMDHR.
However, a large part of the community of players were bothered with Enchanted Portals, because they think it is a clone or a cheeky copy of Cuphead. It is not for less, because both games share many features, such as mechanics, visual section, music and other elements.
The 2 members of Xixo Games Studio were surprised by the reception of their work, especially because of the large number of negative comments they received. Polygon spoke with Daniel, the programmer and director of the title, as well as Gemma, in charge of music and art.
The team agreed that Enchanted Portals is heavily inspired by Cuphead. However, they stated that both are very fond of StudioMDHR’s work. For this reason, they want to do something similar, “but always from a place of respect and admiration for the original,” said Gemma, one of the developers of the title.
“We were prepared for some reaction, but the trailer definitely reached many more people than we could anticipate, and all the hate and negativity we received has definitely had a big impact on us,” the creatives said.
At the time of writing this, its trailer has a large number of visits, but most of the ratings are negative. Xixo Games Studio defended their work and reaffirmed that they only want to pay a tribute to Cuphead.
Despite the negative reception of its game, the studio ensures that there are many people who have also given their support. So, everything indicates that developers will continue their way to make Enchanted Portals a reality.
“Along with all those negative responses, a lot of people have also reached out to us to say they adore the game and they would love to see it succeed. So we’re trying to turn our attention more towards all those who are supporting us and sending their love for the game,” the creative added.
Xixo Games Studio will start a campaign on Kickstarter on October 24 to raise funds and develop Enchanted Portals. The plan is to release the game for Nintendo Switch and PC.