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9 Tools Every Aspiring Writer Needs to Have this 2020

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The new year is about to start and that means some of you will be vowing to pursue their passion. One of the hardest passions to stick to is writing. Not a lot of people have the patience to organize all the ideas in their heads and put them into writing. Thankfully, we have more advanced technology today that makes things a lot easier for aspiring writers.

With these tools, you can write anytime and anywhere. There’s no excuse! We’ve categorized these tools into three brackets: organization, writing, and editing. We’ll feature tools that organize your ideas to the best mspy depending on your needs.



Evernote – FREE or $9.99/month

You might already know about Evernote. It’s that app with an elephant in the logo. Many people think that this application is used by business owners. While that is true, Evernote is actually very flexible and it is used by writers as well.

Writing inspiration can come out of nowhere. Evernote lets you write down ideas as they come. Additionally, you can also record audio notes, images, and you can even bookmark online resources. What’s more, is that it also has a collaborative aspect where you can share your notes with your co-writer!

Milanote – FREE or $12.50/month

Milanote is another note-taking app that is geared towards writers. It stores your research, characters, and outline in a single place. The good thing about this app is that the workspace is flexible. This means that you are not forced to think and write in a linear way.

Scrivener – $45 (30-day free trial)

A lot of people think of Scrivener as a writing tool. However, it’s more than just a word processor. It is loaded with a lot of functions such as the corkboard and the templates for different types of literary work. This is why we say that Scrivener is one app that lets you get your money’s worth.


Draft – FREE

We’ve said earlier that writing is one of the hardest passions to pursue. It’s easy to get distracted with a lot of things. Thankfully, this word processor does a bit more than just type words. There is an option to notify you through e-mail about your goals on word count. It’s really just like Google Docs but with a cleaner interface.

LibreOffice – FREE

If you want to try Microsoft Word but are still hesitant about paying for its license, you can try LibreOffice. Its interface is so similar to Microsoft Word and it’s even compatible with the usual file types produced by Microsoft Office. LibreOffice is open-source so if you are also a tech geek, you might want to check and enhance this application!

Reedsy Book Editor – FREE

Many writers get motivated when they get a glimpse of the final output of their work. And, Reedsy does exactly that. It can automatically format your book while you write real-time. What’s more, is that you also have the option to export your manuscript to print-ready PDF or EPUB.


Hemingway – FREE

This app is more than just a spelling and grammar checker. It highlights sentences that can be improved and makes better suggestions so your manuscript looks more professional. It is named after the famous writer Ernest Hemingway. So, if you want to be close to how he writes, then use this app!

Grammarly – FREE

One of the most common mistakes that many writers still commit are typographical errors. No one is perfect and every writer will commit typos when they write. Fortunately, Grammarly is here to call us out. Generally, Grammarly is a spell and grammar checker but since it’s a plug-in, it can run and notify you wherever you may be writing!

Grammarly will watch over you when you’re on your e-mail or on your social media. Additionally, it can suggest changes to make your writing more concise and accurate.

Cliché Finder – FREE

Many writers are guilty of using a lot of clichés when they are writing. Newbie writers take a lot of inspiration from other’s works and it’s easy to use what they use. Cliché Finder is the app you need to force all your creative juices out. It will go through your entire work and detect clichés so you can edit them away.

It’s not entirely bad to have clichés on your work, but they have to be important to your work when they are placed.


Writing is a free art form and you are literally allowed to write whatever you want. The only hard part here is actually doing it. Hopefully, the tools and apps we mentioned above can help you become the next best-selling author!